Shipping & Returns

Shipping Information


Orders ship via USPS Priority or Ground mail.


 I accept returns of any undamaged item if the item is shipped back to me within 7 DAYS of receiving. I will refund the purchase price less shipping (the actual shipping price) once I receive the undamaged item. Rush Production charges are non refundable.
+ No returns on sale, clearance, or samples + seconds items (items in the SALE section or during a promotion of 30% off or more)
+ No returns on custom orders, sale items, or international orders. Buyers are responsible for any import taxes, VAT, or customs fee that may apply. We are not responsible for any delays due to customs. If you refuse a package due to declining the payment of customs and the package is sent back to the United States, unused, undamaged, and unopened, you will be refunded the shipping price only and not for the purchase price.

+ Please contact me to initiate a return or exchange. You must contact the shop via Email prior to returning your item, packages sent back without prior notification and approval are considered forced returns.

+ Items need to be returned in a BOX, not bags or envelopes (they are likely to get damaged and crumpled in envelopes). If you return an item in a bag or envelope you will be subject to a 50% restocking fee. In order to ensure delivery, it is highly recommended that you get tracking with your order. If your returned item is received 30 or more days after the 7 day return window, it will be subject to a 50% restocking fee.

+ For exchanges you will either be refunded the difference of your new item or invoiced for the overage + shipping. If you are buying an item in advance for a gift, please note in your order that you will need more than the 7 day return period.

+ Not responsible for lost or stolen packages, double check shipping address is correct. If your order is returned to us and marked RTS (return to sender) by USPS due to incorrect or insufficient address, a second shipping charge must be paid before the order is reshipped. Refunds will not be issued due to packages being marked RTS.